
Television and Reality

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Concerning the column by Mitroff, I’m surprised there have not been more such frank opinions on this topic expressed in The Times. This is a matter of extreme importance to our society.

For example, we frequently read of criticisms of the education system, about students who graduate, but can’t read, write, count, find Japan on the map, etc., etc. One reads about conferences by educators, sociologists, etc. where these people can display their erudition by any and all types of criticisms. Mitroff gets a little closer to the heart of the problem. It should be clear that education is not just a schooling process. There should be an intellectual and cultural atmosphere in society that is conducive to and encourages learning.

Junk entertainment, junk music, junk values, etc. are a large part of the reality that conflicts with the educational process. Although many people are aware of this, we need more people like Mitroff to articulate these points.



Los Angeles
