
Pat Buchanan Gives Sister a Political Boost


Pat Buchanan, the former presidential adviser and conservative Washington commentator, campaigned in Southern California Tuesday for his sister Angela’s bid to be state treasurer with the message that she is a true Republican running against “a member who just joined the church.”

“Bay (Angela’s nickname) is the future leader of the conservative movement,” Buchanan said. “It’s a statewide elected office and once (voters) make that decision, you’ve got a leader of your party, no question about it.”

Pat Buchanan, a national columnist and adviser to then-President Ronald Reagan, is the third high-profile Washington conservative to campaign with Bay Buchanan in the the last 10 days. Each stressed the candidate’s Republican connections and credentials.


Last week, the campaign hosted fund-raisers with Utah’s Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch and former Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig.

And in June, Pat Buchanan hosted a fund-raiser at his home in suburban Virginia that also included Haig, Robert H. Bork, Reagan adviser Lyn Nofziger and a host committee with former White House Chief of Staff Donald T. Regan and former Atty. Gen. Edwin Meese III.

The appearances of the famous supporters and the campaign slogan “The Republican for Treasurer” highlight the sharp political contrast between Buchanan and her primary opponent, incumbent Thomas Hayes.


Hayes was appointed by Gov. George Deukmejian last year to fill a vacancy left by the death of Jesse M. Unruh. But his appointment raised some Republican eyebrows because he had not registered to vote with any party before he was appointed and joined the GOP.

It has created a state treasurer’s race for 1990 that does not lack distinction among the candidates. While Buchanan is stressing her conservative profile, Hayes is campaigning on his nonpolitical managerial experience, and one of them is likely to run against the only Democratic candidate, Kathleen Brown, the daughter and sister of California’s former liberal governors.

Hayes’ campaign issued a statement this week that appeared to be in response to Buchanan’s parade of appearances with famous supporters.


“I am pleased that so many local government officials support my campaign,” he said. “Their endorsements indicate their strong belief that the state treasurer’s office should be run by a hands-on, tightfisted and experienced money manager . . . not a politician.”

Meanwhile, Haig said at a fund-raiser for Buchanan last week in Encino that “there is only one Republican in the race. I normally don’t campaign in a primary, but I’ve changed that rule of mine because Bay is a real Republican.”

Hayes has benefited from support and financial help coming as a result of Deukmejian’s blessing. His campaign put out a list this week of 275 local elected officials statewide who have endorsed his candidacy.

Buchanan’s campaign manager, Jeff Schmidt, acknowledged Tuesday that she is “playing catch-up” because Hayes appears to have raised more money.
