
DANA POINT : Televising Meetings Not a ‘Huge Priority’

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The City Council appears to be in no hurry to join the ranks of Orange County cities that broadcast council meetings over cable television.

Although council members generally support allowing television cameras into their council chambers, they say they won’t vote on the issue soon.

“It isn’t a huge priority,” Mayor Eileen Krause said. “There are so many other important things we’re working on, like drugs and traffic congestion, that televising our meetings kind of pales in comparison.”


However, Krause favors permitting television coverage if Dana Point can create a quality production.

“I think it probably allows more people to see what the City Council does,” Krause said.

The council on Monday night asked city staff to research the cost and feasibility of the project.

City Atty. Jerry Patterson said in a written report to the council that local cable company Dimension Cable could handle the job for $4,800 per year or the council could assign a city employee to work the camera.


Councilman T. Michael Eggers said he would prefer not to vote on cable broadcasting of meetings until after city elections in June to prevent politicking on camera.

“I don’t see any reason to do it prior to the next elections,” he said.
