
‘Conflict’ Implies Story With Two Sides

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In response to “Cultural Conflict” by Itabari Njeri (View, Nov. 8):

As a Korean-American, I was furious after reading the article. Not only was it biased, but it also did not cover the heart of the issue: the “conflict” between blacks and Korean-Americans.

The story was filled with how badly blacks are treated by “Korean merchants.” Korean merchants were portrayed as mean old people who start cussing at blacks the minute they walk into their stores.

But I did not see even one sentence on how Koreans are treated by blacks in the black community.


Anyone who reads the article, with his or her normal mind, would think that all the problems were caused by Koreans’ one-sided hostility towards blacks. If you want to use the word conflict why not include both sides of story?

Evidently there needs to be a second article that should include how Koreans are treated by blacks at immigration bureaus, post offices or restaurants!


