
Memorial: Dozens of people marked the 26th...

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Memorial: Dozens of people marked the 26th anniversary of President Kennedy’s assassination Wednesday by visiting Dealey Plaza. By mid-morning 70 tourists and Dallas residents had visited. “I think it’s an event that needs to be remembered but not dwelt upon,” said Ron Thompson, 34, a lifelong Dallas resident.

Good reading: President Bush won’t have any trouble finding a good book to read this winter. Esquire magazine shipped the White House 34 volumes picked for the President by the 1989 Esquire Register honorees. Oprah Winfrey chose the Bible, film maker Spike Lee selected “The Autobiography of Malcolm X.” Actor Billy Crystal picked Erich Segal’s “Love Story” partly because “. . . it’s short; he can get right back to business.” W. Keith Hefner, founder of the Youth Communication-New York Center, recommended “The Elements of Style” by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White. “I’d like him to correct his broken syntax,” Hefner said.

Koch shot: New York’s lame-duck Mayor Edward I. Koch claims the Grand Hyatt Hotel, partly owned by billionaire Donald Trump, owes the city $2.8 million under a lease agreement. The Grand Hyatt called the claim a “blatantly political attack” and “one last cheap shot.”


Tres chic: When promotion writers at Chicago’s Marshall Field & Co. discussed whether to use the grammatically correct Le Beau Noel or the incorrect but catchy La Belle Noel on the cover of their Christmas catalogue, catchy won. “It rhymes,” said Field’s spokeswoman Kassie Davis. “It was a promotion. . . . We thought it would be a little more catchy if it had a jingle.”
