
Medfly Spraying

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Many of us are concerned about the arrogant and ignorant attitude of urban and suburban residents toward the Mediterranean fruit fly problem, which undoubtedly was caused by someone in the greater Los Angeles area carelessly and illegally bringing contaminated fruit into Southern California.

Agriculture is a $15-billion business in California. That represents a lot of taxes and a lot of employment. It provides the fresh produce Californians are privileged to have available year-round. Because of a few thoughtless, selfish people bringing fruit into California, this industry and its many jobs are threatened.

Now the urban residents are inconvenienced by malathion applications. Are they in an uproar about those who transported contaminated fruit into the state (unnecessarily, I might add, as all sorts of exotic fruits which have passed inspection are available in stores)? No. Their concern is the malathion being sprayed at night, when least exposure is assured.


Logic says that those areas being sprayed contain those who started this deadly infestation. We must stop the Medfly before it destroys our food supply.

Those of us who live in the outlying agricultural land resent the urbanites’ lack of concern for our livelihood.


