
Geriatric Care

I am writing in response to the article “Getting a Grip on Geriatrics (Nov. 12).” I am a nursing student who graduates this month, and I find that 80% of my patients are in the geriatric group.

As the article stated, the number of physician visits to older Americans is expected to increase by 47% from 1989 to 2000. The physicians, as well as nurses, should listen carefully to the complaints of the older patient and not attribute their ailments to “old age.”

I find that many of the older patients are overmedicated and that their complaints are due to side effects of their medications. This fact was not mentioned in your article. The physician and nurse should prepare a list of the side effects of the medications the patients are receiving and relieve some of them. Perhaps this will alleviate many unnecessary doctor visits and costs to the elderly patient.


The steps you listed for older patients to get better care from their doctors were excellent. I especially thought your suggestion of bringing a significant other person along for a doctor’s appointment was of great value. Perhaps from that list our fastest-growing patient group will receive more information from their doctors and nurses.


Newport Beach
