
Palestinian Group Protests Use of ‘Nazi’ Label

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We are responding to the article concerning the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s national tribute dinner at the Century Plaza (“Honoring Those Who Remember,” Nov. 21). Yitzhak Shamir, prime minister of Israel, gave the keynote speech after awards were presented to those who work to preserve the Holocaust on film and television. James Woods, one of the distinguished actors to receive an award, is quoted as referring to protesters outside the hotel as “Nazis.”

The Palestine Solidarity Committee is a group of Americans that has formed in support of the Palestinian right to self-determination and to call for the end of the Israeli occupation and its oppressive measures in the West Bank and Gaza. As the organizers of the protest against Shamir’s visit to Los Angeles, we take strong exception to the remarks made by James Woods.

Woods’ statement demonstrates an ignorance of who the protesters were, what their concerns are, and reveals the misunderstanding of the nature of Israeli policy in the Occupied Territories. There were several hundred people who attended the demonstration representing a very broad coalition of American peace activists, many from the Jewish community who abhor the policies of the Shamir government. The PSC is particularly indebted to members of the Salvadoran solidarity groups who, working overtime, gave a strong show of support at the demonstration for the Palestinian plight.


LYCETTE IRVING, Palestine Solidarity Committee, Los Angeles
