
Long Harassment Alleged in Killing With a Mercedes

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The woman suspected of killing her stepdaughter’s husband by hitting him with her Mercedes-Benz had allegedly harassed the couple for several years in incidents that included vandalizing their car and making annoying phone calls, according to police records.

Betty Young Davies, 58, of Newport Beach was arrested Dec. 19 on suspicion of attempted murder after a confrontation in which James (Jimbo) Ward, 31, of Costa Mesa was hit by her car in front of his home. Ward died Saturday at Hoag Hospital, and police say they plan to upgrade the charge to murder.

Police records show that Ward and his wife, Wendy, notified police of harassment on at least four occasions since 1987: Twice for annoying phones calls, once for scratching the paint on their car, and another time for repeatedly driving by and spying on their residence. Davies was never arrested on those allegations, police said.


Davies, who was released Dec. 19 after posting $75,000 bail on the attempted murder charge, could not be reached for comment on Tuesday. Messages left at her home were unanswered.

Friends of the Wards said they had heard the couple’s complaints of Davies’ harassment for a long time. “It had been going on for years,” said David Olson, a close friend of Ward. “Jim talked about it a couple of times, but he kind of just blew it off. He made several complaints to the police, but he didn’t feel that the threat was that serious.”

Ward’s death has been especially hard for his wife, Wendy, friends say. The couple had met at Newport Harbor High School and were teen-age sweethearts, they say. “This whole thing has been real tough on Wendy,” said a neighbor who was baby-sitting the Wards’ 3-year-old boy and 7-month-old daughter. “She’s very distraught. . . . It’s a real tragic situation.”


In December, 1988, Wendy Ward complained to police that her stepmother “calls residence at all hours and hangs up.” Ward told police that Davies “is constantly doing things to bother her family.”

During another incident in April, 1988, Wendy Ward told police that she was leaving a restaurant with her father when she encountered Davies in the parking lot. The complaint alleges that Davies fled from the parking lot without saying a word after she used some sort of sharp tool to scratch Ward’s Honda Civic “from bumper to bumper.”

Twice the Wards had to change phone numbers after repeated calls from Davies, the complaints alleged.


According to police, Davies had gone to the Wards’ house in the 800 block of Congress Street about 8 p.m. on Dec. 19 and then walked out of the home while the couple were discussing family problems.

Davies allegedly got into the Mercedes, started the engine and accelerated towards James Ward, who was standing in front of the car, according to police. He was struck by the car, sent flying over the hood, into the windshield and landed in the street, police said.

Ward sustained severe head injuries and was taken to Hoag. Ward died of his injuries Saturday, prompting police to say that they plan to upgrade the charges to murder against Davies, who will be arraigned Jan. 22. Police did not release a motive.

Friends of James Ward said that he was a well-liked family man who loved to fish and work with his hands. “A lot of people loved him,” Olson said. “I will miss him a lot.”

Funeral arrangements are being handled by Pierce Brothers Bell Broadway Mortuaries in Costa Mesa, and services are to be held Friday at noon at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Newport Beach.
