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<i> Arts and entertainment reports from The Times, national and international news services and the nation's press</i>

New Year Nuptials: “Most people don’t think of marriage as freedom, but that’s a big thing for us,” said multimedia artist Lita Albuquerque, who is marrying Beverly Hills banker Carey Peck, the son of actor Gregory Peck, at the Brandenburg Gate of the Berlin Wall at midnight on New Year’s Eve. “And the Wall is the perfect symbol of freedom. In terms of a symbol of starting a new decade, and starting our new life together, there couldn’t be a more powerful place for us to get married,” Albuquerque said. The couple, who met at a Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art reception 15 months ago, left for Berlin on Thursday, and will stay for four days because they have to be back in L.A. for Albuquerque to open a show at the Santa Monica Museum. A judge will marry them at the Wall, and they will be joined by friends who live in Europe.
