
Robin Elson Murder Acquittal

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It is with great fury that I sit down and compose this letter. I just finished the article by Faye Fiore regarding Robin Elson (“A Battered Wife Wins Acquittal in Murder Case,” Metro, Dec. 26).

The story mentions several neighbors who were aware of the abuse taking place in the Elson household but were “too scared” to do anything about it. These people belong in jail. To me they are just as guilty as Jack Elson for watching and doing nothing while innocent children’s lives were in grave danger. How these people can sleep at night is something I will never understand.

What kind of country are we turning into when a neighbor can watch a man shove a garden hose down the throat of an 18-month-old baby? And then she wonders in amazement why “the kid” didn’t die.


I pray that when I have children and if they are ever in need of assistance that I don’t get stuck with neighbors as inhumane as the ones Robin Elson had.


