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In response to “Dueling Spray Cans: Graffiti Artists in Showdown on Furniture Warehouse Wall,” Part B, Jan. 6:

As one of many property owners in Los Angeles waging an ongoing battle against graffiti, I am tired of articles elevating graffiti to the status of art, or popular culture. The vast majority of “spray-can artists” are nothing of the kind--they are gang members marking their turf and challenging rival gangs. And the graffito is just the tip of the iceberg--it incites more serious crimes. Among the “artworks” that have appeared in my neighborhood recently is the boast “MidCity Kills!” and a memorial to a slain gang member.

Graffiti markings are a serious problem in Los Angeles, far beyond “scribbles” on RTD buses. And it is a crime. Can we look forward to future pieces on the artistic merits of other crimes?



Los Angeles
