
1990s: The Golden Decade : REFLECTIONS : ‘I knew I had a changed environment.’

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Yang-Chun Weng, 49

San Gabriel fortune teller

Came from Taiwan in 1980

(Through a translator)

“I brought my family here because it would be a better place to raise my children.

“All my relatives are in the East. But I live here because it’s easier for me to develop here. I needed to go where there are a lot of Asians.

“I went into this profession because I am handicapped (polio) and this is the only efficient way. And, I know that this career will help society by counseling and by giving people emotional support.

“The transition didn’t make me feel any different from when I was in Taiwan, because I had a lot of clients. Not until I bought my first house and as my children grew up I had to deal with their education and the mortgage . . . then, I knew I had a changed environment.


“After a while, I knew what America was really about. But, it’s not hard to adapt here.

“Many times when Asians come here and they don’t know where to start or how to start a job here. Many of the problems are based on financial problems.

“People often ask me about their investments. For example, if they should buy a house. The answer depends on each case.

“When we first came to the U.S., one of my sisters came for two weeks to help us out. After that, we were on our own. When she left I met several friends who lived here and they helped me.


“In this profession, it’s easier to make friends.”
