
* Visit From a Friend: Football fan...

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* Visit From a Friend: Football fan and former President Richard M. Nixon visited an old friend who’s running a center in Miami to help people suffering from paralysis. Nixon spoke last week to patients at the Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, founded by former Dolphins linebacker Nick Buoniconti, a friend since 1972. Buoniconti also gave Nixon a tour of the facility.

* I Love Him, I Love Him Not: In Chicago, an enterprising poster maker has Manuel A. Noriega in his sights. Mike McCormack has designed a smiling face of the former Panamanian dictator with a superimposed bull’s eye. “I’ve been getting a lot of requests for this one,” said McCormack. Meanwhile, Manuel E. Noriega, a U.S. Navy veteran living in Miami Beach, says he gets harassing telephone calls from people who apparently have him confused with the notorious dictator. “They have been very nasty calls. I try to explain, ‘Look, you’re talking to the wrong guy,’ ” said the 84-year-old native of Mexico.

* Prime Time: Roxanne Pulitzer, whose bitter divorce from publishing heir Herbert Pulitzer became the subject of a television movie, has won her fight to spend more time with her twin sons. Attorneys last week told a West Palm Beach judge they had reached a private settlement which gives Pulitzer more visitation. “We’ve agreed to keep it private for the children,” she said.


* Peace Talks: Yelena Bonner, widow of Soviet Nobel Peace Prize winner Andrei Sakharov, will speak Feb. 17 in Minneapolis at a peace forum organized by former Vice President Walter Mondale. “It is singularly appropriate that Dr. Bonner should participate in the forum,” college president Charles Anderson said last week. “Throughout her life, Dr. Bonner, like Dr. Sakharov, has passionately embraced the causes of peace and human rights.”
