
Controversy Over Women in Combat

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Are we being conditioned by the Establishment to believe and accept war as a way of life, that it’s time to broaden our horizons and train women for combat? Barbara Bush stated that women who are able and strong should fight alongside men. Rep. Patricia Schroeder (D-Colo.) promised to initiate a measure in Congress requiring women to be sent into combat in the next war.

What is wrong with our society? What is wrong with the Administration and with Congress? Are we dismissing the horrors of war--that war is hell, that war is murder. War may be acceptable in a savage, barbaric society, but not with sane civilized people.

Let’s start to talk and think peace. Maybe Schroeder will join in and devote her energies and will to creating a world where peace dwells. Adversarial differences with our neighboring countries should be negotiated fairly and objectively--with understanding and vision, a peaceful solution is possible.


Sending women, the future mothers of our country, to war is criminal. Sending women into combat is uncivilized and insane. Let’s keep our women feminine, genteel, kind and lovable.


Sherman Oaks
