
HUNTINGTON BEACH : Realtors Reaffirm Pierside Support

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The Huntington Beach-Fountain Valley Board of Realtors has reaffirmed its support of the controversial Pierside Village project in the Huntington Beach downtown area.

The plan proposes redeveloping a paved area of the beach between Main and Lake streets, and building three or four new restaurants and a plaza of small shops. Two citizens’ groups, Huntington Beach Tomorrow and Save Our Parks, vehemently oppose the project, charging that it would be a misuse of a public beach.

But Tom Van Tuyl, president of the realtors’ board, wrote Mayor Thomas J. Mays this week that the board had “voted unanimously to reaffirm our support for the Pierside Village project.”


Van Tuyl’s letter added: “As you all know, the board has long supported the Pierside Village concept, however, the decision to reaffirm our support was not automatic. In fact, we held a joint meeting of our board of directors and the Local Governmental Relations Committee and spent several hours reviewing the proposed plans and discussing issues of concern.

“We are satisfied that the new project will be a great asset to our city and will provide the much-needed public facilities to meet the needs of local residents and visitors alike.”

Van Tuyl’s letter said the Pierside Village project “will transform a parking lot which has no public facilities at this time into more than 2.5 acres of public plazas and promenades, which will be open to public use.”


The letter also said the realtors believe “the project will not reduce access to the beach; it will facilitate access, especially for senior citizens, the handicapped and other citizens who may enjoy the opportunity for an ocean view and beachside experience in a different way.”
