
Israel Releases Key Palestinian, Probes Minister

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From Associated Press

Authorities today released a leading Palestinian activist whose arrest last weekend on suspicion of financing Palestinian militants brought international criticism down on the Israeli government.

The pro-PLO activist, Faisal Husseini, has been mentioned as a likely negotiator in proposed Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.

Also today, Atty. Gen. Yosef Harish ordered police to investigate suspicions that Science Minister Ezer Weizman of the left-of-center Labor Party held illegal contacts with PLO figures, Israel radio reported.


Husseini, unshaven and wearing a leather coat after leaving a police lockup, told reporters, “Nothing will stop the peace process.” He was released without bail while the investigation against him continues.

About a dozen supporters of the anti-Arab Kach movement tried to attack Husseini as he left the jail. His supporters blocked them, and the two groups exchanged blows with fists and clubs.

Women from the organization Victims of Arab Terror also scuffled nearby with Palestinian women.


No one was reported injured in the melees, and Husseini managed to push his way into a waiting car.

After his Friday arrest, U.S. State Department spokeswoman Margaret Tutwiler said in Washington that “such actions discourage Palestinian confidence in the peace process and contribute to the prevailing atmosphere of distrust.”

Israeli leaders have rejected charges by Israeli liberals and Palestinians that Husseini was arrested to placate right-wing pressure groups.


Husseini, 49, has been involved in behind-the-scenes efforts to arrange Israeli-Palestinian talks in Egypt on Israel’s proposal for elections in the occupied lands.

The reports of an inquiry of Weizman comes three weeks after allegations that he had PLO contacts nearly broke up Israel’s coalition government. Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir forced him to resign from the decision-making Inner Cabinet because of the accusations.
