
Growth Control Measure on Ballot

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A traffic-control and comprehensive growth-management initiative supported by the building industry will appear on the San Diego County and city ballots June 5, proponents of the initiative announced Tuesday.

According to James R. Mills of the San Diego 2000 Committee, a coalition of builders, government and business officials, more than 75,000 voters have signed the city initiative petitions--more than 20,000 more than needed to win a space on the ballot. More than 90,000 signatures have been collected in support of the county measure, which requires 58,478, Mills said.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Feb. 1, 1990 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Thursday February 1, 1990 San Diego County Edition Metro Part B Page 3 Column 1 Metro Desk 3 inches; 86 words Type of Material: Correction
Growth initiative--A story Wednesday incorrectly described the status of a traffic-control and comprehensive growth-management initiative supported by the building industry. The initiative’s supporters said they have collected enough signatures to assure the initiative a place on the city and county ballots, but they have not yet submitted them. If the San Diego City Council resolves the issue to its liking, proponents of the initiative say they will discontinue their efforts. For the measure to go on the ballot, the signatures would still have to be certified by the San Diego County registrar of voters.

The committee’s initiative is the chief rival of a managed-growth ballot initiative that has been proposed by Prevent Los Angelization Now!, a growth-control group. The PLAN initiative has the support of San Diego Mayor Maureen O’Connor.


Mills said his committee will delay submitting its signatures until May 23 to allow the City Council to “resolve the growth-management issue on its own.”
