
Malathion--Those Who Cry ‘Wolf’

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Re: Malathion aerial spraying. The ongoing public hysteria over aerial spraying is nothing more than anti-Malathion activists crying “Wolf!”

When I was a student at San Jose State in the 1970s, we had a fruit fly problem in Mountain View. The public were up in arms even before the first helicopter took off. Unknown to the public, and the helicopter crew, no Malathion was released due to clogged nozzles! The next morning, some of the public complained about the smell, headaches and nausea!

I told my pesticide supplier about this and he recounted an experiment conducted by a large pesticide manufacturer. They filled a brand new sprayer with pure water and began spraying in a nursery next to homes, letting the homeowners believe that pesticides were being applied. The next day, there were complaints about headaches, ill health and poisoned pets!


With all this in mind, I decided to conduct my own experiment. I sprayed a tankful of water in my nursery next to a neighbor who was always complaining about my spraying. The next day, I received a call from the Edison Company, whose land I lease. The homeowner had complained about headaches and respiratory problems.

I’ve been using Malathion for years with absolutely no adverse health effects to myself or others. The public’s hysteria is misplaced. They should be hysterical about the spread of the Medfly!


Manager, Sakaida Nursery Inc.

