
ASSESSED VALUES ON THE RISE : Inland Counties Set Pace for Property Appreciation

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Each year the State Board of Equalization reassesses the total value of property in the state to reflect new construction, escalating prices and resource development. Growth in assessed value for the seven Southland counties during the 1989-90 fiscal year was among the highest in the state. Assessed values in booming Riverside County rose 16.2%, ranking it No. 2, behind Inyo County, where development of geothermal wells has boosted land values 28.5%. The other six Southland counties posted growth rates in the top 12 of the state’s 58 counties. Twenty-one counties grew at rates of more than 10%, 23 increased between 5.0% and 9.9%, and 14 had increases below 5.0%. Only one county, Modoc, suffered a decline in valuation, falling 0.8%. ASSESSED PROPERTY VALUE County’s ranking in California Assessed value in billions of dollars Percentage increase, 1988 to 1989 Riverside Rank: 2 Total (in billions): $50.9 Pct. Change from 1988-89: 16.2% Imperial: Rank: 3 Total (in billions): 4.2 Pct. Change from 1988-89: 15.5 San Bernardino: Rank: 4 Total (in billions): 52.5 Pct. Change from 1988-89: 14.3 Orange Rank: 7 Total (in billions):142.0 Pct. Change from 1988-89: 12.8 Ventura Rank: 9 Total (in billions):35.1 Pct. Change from 1988-89: 12.4 San Diego Rank: 11 Total (in billions): 115.1 Pct. Change from 1988-89: 11.2 Los Angeles Rank: 12 Total (in billions): 392.0 Pct. Change from 1988-89: 11.1 Source: State Board of Equalization APPRECIATION BY COUNTY, 1988 to 1989 10.0% Or more: 21 counties 5.0% to 9.9%: 23 counties 4.9% or less: 14 counties
