
California Tax Policies

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So California travelers are surprised about the use tax. So was I. In October, 1986, my name appeared in an article in this paper concerning ordering by mail order catalogues.

There is no difference. This law has been in effect since 1935. Ignorance is no excuse, as I soon found out. After much arguing with two of the State Board of Equalization auditors I finally had to pay to the tune of 8-years retroactive tax, plus interest and a minimum penalty. And now I file a report on all mail-order purchases where the companies did not collect the sales tax.

Good luck to these new members of the “Use Tax Club.” I doubt whether the state controller can stop that SBE. Not until the Congress enacts a law that forces each company to collect the sales tax for each state will the SBE ever be able to collect all that money.



Los Angeles
