
California Tax Policies

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In response to “Sometimes We Tax Ourselves Silly,” editorial, Jan. 29: You might well have headlined your editorial “Sometimes We Have Silly Taxes.” After 65 years in the state of my birth, I did something I thought I would never do. I left California for two reasons, one of which is taxes. The other is the passage of Prop. 103.

I received a shock after moving to Nevada. I discovered that California, while not now providing any services, nevertheless feels entitled to part of my piddling little pension.

To its credit, the Nevada legislature enacted a law preventing a sister jurisdiction from suing a Nevada resident to tax a pension earned while working in another state. Well, do not despair. A Franchise Tax Board member was quoted in a Nevada newspaper stating the that board did not need to sue the pensioner. “We have other ways” (to collect). Kinda warms your heart doesn’t it?



Laughlin, Nev.
