
Board Drops No-Fail Policy

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Frankly, I am not at all surprised with the Los Angeles School Board’s decision to drop its no-fail policy regarding student participation in extracurricular activities (Part A, Jan. 23).

This decision, after all, is merely a reflection of the values we hold as a society. We pay Dodgers $2 million a year to hit a baseball over the fence. We pay Rambos $30 million or $40 million per movie to shoot imaginary bullets at imaginary Russians. We wait with baited breath to see where the name Trump will appear next.

In short, entertainment is in and education is out. It’s how you sing, dance, act, throw a football or play a guitar that really counts. Who cares if you can’t read the newspaper or figure out the correct change to buy it. When you make it “big,” you can always hire someone to do both. And if you don’t make it “big,” well, that’s show biz!



Woodland Hills
