
The Target is Rock

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Regarding the pop music censorship responsibility article:

The anti-responsibility opinions of Jeff Wyatt of KPWR-FM and Lee Ballinger of Rock and Roll Confidential reflect hypocritical thinking. These guys are probably similar to rock artists like Ozzy Osbourne who publicly endorse the production of exploitative and obscene lyrics, while privately hiring expensive nannies to closely monitor the entertainment consumption of their children.

Also, I oppose Chuck Philips’ use of the degrading label “fundamentalist” when describing those groups opposed to obscene rock lyrics. I’ve never seen this label used for those with strong beliefs and views from groups like People for the American Way or the American Civil Liberties Union. Maybe the next time a pop music writer deals with a controversial moral issue, the Bible-believers will be labeled in a more balanced, non-degrading style than the one Chuck Philips decided to use.


