
Notice of Intent Filed in Effort to Recall Councilmen : Burbank: The office- holders deny accusations that they favor developers over residents.

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Three Burbank residents, upset over what they call runaway development, said Tuesday that they had filed a notice of intent to recall City Councilmen Michael Hastings and Thomas Flavin, whom they accuse of favoring developers.

Ted McConkey said he, James Gordon and Paul Downing have sent certified letters to the two councilmen and the city clerk’s office informing them of the residents’ plans to circulate a recall petition. The residents charge that Hastings and Flavin have consistently voted on the side of developers and have not heeded residents’ complaints about increased traffic and pollution in their neighborhoods.

“These guys are corporate panhandlers,” McConkey said. “We have tried to work with City Hall, but we feel all our efforts essentially have been ignored.”


Flavin said he had seen a copy of the letter Tuesday. “Their reasons are totally without merit,” Flavin said. “To me, it’s a thinly veiled attempt to intimidate me and Mr. Hastings into making policy that only reflects their viewpoint.”

Hastings agreed, saying: “This is just a smoke screen by a select group of people who want to get control. People elected me because I am credible. I’m not afraid of my record. I have faith in the people. I believe they will see through this.”

Under state election laws, the councilmen have seven days after receiving copies of the letters to respond to the proponents of the recall initiative and to the Burbank city clerk’s office. A recall petition must be drafted by the proponents and approved by the city clerk before signatures can be collected.


For the recall petition to be placed on the Nov. 6 ballot, the measure’s proponents would have to gather the signatures of 20% of Burbank’s more than 46,000 registered voters, City Clerk Merle Woodburn said. The signatures must be gathered within a 120-day period.

“It’s not going to be easy,” McConkey said of collecting nearly 9,000 signatures. “We’ll see if the people agree with us. If these guys win this, I’ll be the first to congratulate them and say ‘This is what the voters wanted.’ ”
