
Chiropractors Help Raise 60,000 Pounds of Food for Needy

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Through the first countywide HOPE Day program, Helping Other People Eat, the Los Angeles County Chiropractic Society helped raise 60,000 pounds of food for needy people.

On HOPE Day on Feb. 14, 200 participating society members treated patients free in exchange for food donations to LIFE, Love Is Feeding Everyone, a 7-year-old organization founded by actor Dennis Weaver. A total of 12,400 patients made food donations. In addition to the food, $2,000 in cash donations came in from chiropractors and patients.

The proceeds to LIFE were accepted by Weaver at LIFE’s central warehouse in Los Angeles. The food will be distributed to the more than 70 local social service agencies with which LIFE works.
