
Tax Subsidy for Parents

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What a lovely picture Davis paints. Just like the fifties with mom at home and dad at work, and the kiddies getting the nurturing that will keep them from turning to crime in later years.

But Davis is thinking only of those families where the parents stay together, and recent statistics tell us that 50% of today’s parents will one day be divorced.

Most fathers can’t afford to support two homes. The mothers who gave up budding careers to stay home with the children will have lost a lot of ground. Can women afford the risk of staying home to raise the children?


We already know that the majority of families living below the poverty level are headed by single mothers, and those numbers would grow. Poverty breeds criminals, even if mother was home during the first few years of their lives.

I believe a child needs at least one caring parent, but that parent does not have to be home all day, and I and millions of other single working mothers have raised fine citizens to prove it.


Los Angeles
