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BIG NOISE FROM WINNETKA: The Soul Asylum is signed to A&M; Records, so when the raucous young rock band decided to cut its new album “live” in the studio, an A&M; sound stage seemed the perfect spot. Armed with a bank of amps, the group kicked into gear one recent night--only to get booted off their own label’s back lot for being (gasp) too loud. As Soul Asylum producer Steve Jordan tells it, the band’s recording session was interrupted by an middle-aged woman, clad only in her pajamas, who stormed onto the A&M; lot--past the label’s ever-vigilant security guards--and angrily confronted band members. “Who the hell do you think you people are?” she said, according to Jordan. “I have to go to work in the morning!” A&M; staffers confirm that the woman, who lived on a nearby neighborhood street, proceeded to call the police, who came to question the band--but couldn’t get past security. Nonetheless, A&M; execs decided that the best way to keep peace would be to move the Soul Asylum’s recording sessions off the lot. The band is now finalizing plans to move into a new home for its live sessions.
