
THOUSAND OAKS : Mother May Lose Child Over Cocaine

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A Thousand Oaks woman who pleaded guilty to endangering her baby daughter could lose custody after admitting breast-feeding the baby while using cocaine.

The mother, Elizabeth Benge, 31, was given three years probation after she pleaded guilty to charges of endangering Rhiannon Brittany Brown, now 2 months old. The child is now in the care of an aunt.

A Superior Court judge on Thursday postponed the custody hearing until April 5, a court clerk said.


Benge will have to undergo counseling and drug testing as part of the two-year drug diversion program she has agreed to enter. If she completes the program, the charge of being under the influence of cocaine could be dismissed.

Benge’s lawyer, Edward J. Lacey, who represented her at the plea hearing Wednesday, said Benge volunteered the information about her cocaine use to medical workers at Los Robles Regional Medical Center to help her baby.

The baby was hospitalized briefly after testing positive for cocaine and showing signs of increased blood pressure and rapid heart rate, Deputy Dist. Atty. Barbara Rizzieri said.


Benge and the child’s father were arrested by sheriff’s deputies Feb. 16 after they took the infant to the hospital.

Benge admitted to medical workers that she had breast-fed the child and snorted cocaine before the baby became ill, Rizzieri said.

Rhiannon’s father, Donald Brown, 31, faces trial next Wednesday on a child-endangerment charge, Rizzieri said.
