
GARDEN GROVE : City Adopts Broader Anti-Graffiti Effort

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The City Council this week approved a new graffiti-removal program that includes rewards of up to $300 for people who report those who deface public or private property.

“This is a far more aggressive program than we’ve had in the past to deal with the problem of graffiti in our community,” said City Manager George Tindall.

This week’s action broadens the city’s existing graffiti-removal program. The key points include:


A public relations campaign to promote the program through news releases, a speakers bureau and information sheets with the city water bills.

* The establishment of an annual graffiti cleanup day in May and a graffiti hot line number.

* New provisions in the municipal code for removal of graffiti from private property with the permission of the owner.


* A reward system under which those who report graffiti will receive rewards of up to $300 but limited to $1,500 a year for information leading to the arrest and conviction of people applying graffiti. The funds for the rewards would be donated by local civic and service groups. Tindall said about $1,300 has already been raised for the program.

The plan is modeled on a similar program in Anaheim, where $500 rewards are given.
