
Monterey Park : Ban on Low Copter Flights

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Following the lead set by Pasadena and Azusa in the battle to end aerial malathion spraying, the City Council has adopted an emergency measure banning low-altitude, formation helicopter flights over the city.

The ordinance, which went into effect immediately after its adoption Monday night, prohibits helicopters from flying in formation over the city at altitudes of 700 feet or less.

The law is part of the city’s continuing campaign against the state’s efforts to eradicate the Mediterranean fruit fly through aerial sprayings of malathion. It targets helicopters that have taken off in groups from an El Monte airport to spray malathion over the region.


Azusa, which does not have its own police helicopter squad, has asked the Pasadena Police Department to help enforce a helicopter ban it recently adopted.

Monterey Park plans to do the same, Mayor Patricia Reichenberger said. She added that the city is also considering sending officers to the El Monte airport to cite helicopter pilots for violations of the new law.

The Pasadena case is in court, awaiting a decision on whether a municipality can control flights.
