
Rostenkowski’s Deficit Plan

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Thank you for your editorial (“No Reason to Laugh at Rosty’s Plan,” March 13) and your kind remarks about my deficit reduction plan. Can I have another one soon?

I don’t mean to sound greedy or ungracious and I do appreciate your help. Rather I want to focus on the continued need for discipline within our political system. Many of my colleagues, like many of our constituents, have a very short attention span. Similarly, like other Americans, they have a distaste for tough decisions and try to defer them. Those attitudes explain much of today’s budget mess.

What we need now is a continuing message that stresses the need to meet this challenge. There must be clear evidence that the public--and the press--will continue to focus on this issue until action is taken. Once there is a realization that this question must be resolved, we will have the strength to take action.


I do not mean this as a criticism of my colleagues or our constituents. The combination of a short-term focus and a deferral of tough decisions is one that has many negative ramifications for our entire economy. The paralysis of our political system is just one of them.

What we need now is timely and honest debate about the plan I have put forth. Our agreement that strong action is required is stronger than any disagreement we may have about the specifics. Only when there is an agreement that we will move forward can the debate about the specifics begin.

You have helped begin the process and thereby performed a public service. I hope you can help to finish it. Thanks for your assistance--both now and in future weeks.



Chairman, House Ways and Means Committee, D-Ill.
