
Dealing With School Violence

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Congratulations to the school safety and security task force which advises getting students who commit violent acts off the campus, noting that district officials expelled “only 15 of the 438 students who were recommended for expulsion for bringing weapons to school during the 1988-89 school year.”

However, instead of adding “20 special junior and senior high schools at various sites throughout the city,” I believe these offenders should be turned over to the California Youth Authority. For a first offense a six-month sentence with possible commutation after 30 days, based on circumstances of the case. A second offense would result in CYA incarceration until the student is of legal age to leave school.

Leave education and minor discipline problems in the hands of the educators. Get these maladjusted students out of the system and bill their parents for their incarceration with the California Youth Authority.



Los Angeles
