
Israelis and Palestinians

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Abba Eban, considered by many to be a leading Israeli dove, advocates a policy which, if applied to other countries, would be condemned as being antithetical to the advancement of human and civil rights (“Israelis & Palestinians,” Opinion, March 25).

Eban accepts a Tel Aviv University recommendation that “Israeli security can be maintained through continued military deployment but without physical control over all the territories and all their Palestinian inhabitants.”

One need only ask the Lithuanians, the Poles, and the Czechoslovakians how free and independent they felt/feel with Soviet soldiers occupying their countries.


True independence can neither be achieved nor asserted as long as a country is unwillingly occupied by foreign troops. But then Eban does not believe that Palestinians are entitled to true independence.

Palestinians have the human right to have their own democratic and independent state--free from occupation by Israeli soldiers.


Los Angeles
