
The Debate Over Homosexuality and Its ‘Treatment’ Rages On (- 2p1)

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It was interesting to read that most of the conservative Christian counselors who work with homosexuals (“The Last Temptation,” April 5) disagree with the Rev. Lou Sheldon, their loudest proponent.

They say he is wrong to suggest that homosexuality is “evil” or that all gays need “reparative” therapy. Poor Lou, he is all alone on this issue too. It’s too bad the media considers Sheldon a spokesman for the Christian community on homosexuality when he is obviously out of touch, even with the conservative Christians who actually do work in this area.

Sheldon’s suggestion that schools should look for “early signs” of homosexuality in children so that it can be prevented is laughable. What early signs, Lou? Boys who play with dolls? Girls who play with trucks? Does he really believe these stereotypes? Sheldon’s brain needs some “reparative” therapy.


Craig A. Martens

