
COUNTYWIDE : Clerks Demonstrate in County Pay Fight

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About 50 county account clerks demonstrated in front of the Hall of Administration in Santa Ana during lunchtime Thursday, complaining that the county is shortchanging them on salaries and promotions.

“We just wanted to let them know we were unhappy,” said Ruth Ann Sierk, one of the clerks who demonstrated. “Nobody really wants to go out and wave signs, but you don’t want to be a doormat, either.”

In a recent county study of its 400 or so clerk positions, an across-the-board raise of 2.75% was recommended. The clerks, however, are asking for an 8.25% increase. The two sides have not budged significantly since talks began in January.


Representatives for the clerks, who review budgets and other money transactions, declared the two sides at impasse earlier this week. A state mediator is expected to intercede by the end of the month.

Employees were also protesting part of the county proposal, which spells out out probation periods for workers being promoted. Employees could be returned to their old jobs up to the end of probation, according to the clause. Some clerks say that provision places them at risk of being fired.

Dave Carlaw, the county’s chief of employee relations, said probation is a standard part of the promotion process, adding that it is not intended to be used punitively.
