
Anti-Abortionist Stirs Strong Reactions

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I am so angry and resentful that I can barely write this letter. I am a poor, black woman barely able to make ends meet. I resent McMillan who is rich, well-educated and privileged telling me and others how to live our lives. She had the choice of abortion which allowed her to be where she is now regardless of her regrets. Those regrets are her problems, not others’. She states the abortion was a secret because it was a private life. So it is in all women’s lives and we resent her and others invading our private lives. Why should she have a private life and others not?

For those of us who have had an abortion, there have been no regrets or soul searching. I thank God every hour for the right to have aborted. It was longer than 20 years ago and it wasn’t legal and it was expensive, but worth every penny it took me to get it. I became very ill but I’m not sorry. Thank God women today needn’t go through my experience.

