
Anti-Abortionist Stirs Strong Reactions

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Susan Carpenter McMillan, the zealous champion of anti-abortion, has just admitted that as a young unmarried college student, she herself had an abortion (“No More Denials,” April 2). She further admits that she had a troublesome pregnancy terminated by D and C within the last 10 years.

According to McMillan, there should be no exceptions to allow for abortions; not rape, not a grossly deformed fetus, not poverty and, presumably, not a difficult pregnancy or to hide an accident for an unwed college co-ed. McMillan has by her actions confirmed that she is pro-choice; for herself, that is.

McMillan terminated her roadblock to success 20 years ago, and has had the luxury of reflecting on that choice to terminate her pregnancy from the front seat of her Mercedes 380SL. She condemns others like herself who felt that their best bet for a productive life was to terminate the pregnancy. She, however, can contemplate her hypocrisies from the comfort of a 6,600-square-foot home in San Marino.


Many, many young women have also had the time to reflect on their decision, the decision not to abort. They have to reflect from their place in line at the welfare office or from that great minimum-wage job they have because they dropped out of school to raise babies.

