
Few Believe in ‘Population Prophet’

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I must say I agree that we on this planet have numerous environmental problems--acid rain, deforestation--and there are far too many going hungry. But I strongly disagree that population control is the answer. Ineffective government, environmental policies and big-business greed taking precedent over environmental concerns are at the root of these problems.

Overpopulation does not in itself cause starvation. For example, India has fewer people per square mile than Japan, but due to a history of inept Socialist governments, where everything a person produces belongs to the state, its economy is in shambles, whereas Japan’s is prosperous.

Simple mathematics proves the “population bomb” theory a fraud: If you took every man, woman and child on Earth and moved them to Oregon, with the rest of the earth void of human life, each person would have an area of about 400 square feet. Check the math. It’s true.



Lake Arrowhead
