
Lincoln Blvd. Development

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The proposed overdevelopment along Lincoln Boulevard reminds me of an overweight aunt (overdeveloped Southern California ) who smokes (air pollution) and has clogged arteries (the traffic mess) with a very large life insurance policy (the financial benefits from the overdevelopment) whose policy’s beneficiaries are her nephews and nieces (local governments and developers).

In order to collect the policy’s death benefit the nephews and nieces overfeed the aunt, sweet-talk her, and encourage her to continue to smoke to hasten her demise; and, thus, collect their money without regard for their aunt’s health. What the aunt really needs is to quit smoking, exercise (including her rights to self-determination) and take the fat out of her diet. But the nephews and nieces in their greed talk the aunt into keeping her bad habits.

Meanwhile, those of us who know and love the aunt, but are not her policy’s beneficiaries, suffer from the abuse done to her and are stuck paying her estate’s cost.



Los Angeles
