
13 Injured in Multiple-Car Accident on Coast Highway

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Thirteen people were injured, none seriously, when a speeding convertible crossed over a double line on a treacherous stretch of Pacific Coast Highway in Pacific Palisades Friday and hit another car. The collision set off a chain reaction that ultimately involved nine cars and a motorcycle, police said.

The convertible driver, Karey Turner, 32, of Oxnard, received minor injuries. He was not immediately cited.

“He must have been going fast,” said Los Angeles Police Sgt. Bill Page. “He apparently lost it when he crossed over the line trying to pass a car ahead and hit another car.” The two vehicles locked together and hit six other vehicles, some parked along the beach.


Herbert Kolischer, 65, of Malibu, required treatment for bruises. The rest of the injuries were very minor.

Two of the parked cars were sent airborne and landed on the beach below. One car was knocked 50 feet and landed upside down in the water. Lifeguard Lt. Nick Steers, who assisted at the accident scene, said “there were cars all over the place after the accident.”
