
Earth Day Focuses Attention on Deterioration of Environment

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The April 19 Earth Day Op-Ed columns by Robert Kennedy Jr. and George Will just prove that environmentalism is neither left nor right, just correct.

Kennedy’s views are those of the Eastern, effete elite and their preppie lawyers who think environmentalism should only be practiced from cushy, paneled offices and exclusive clubs. The tactics of Earth First!, Greenpeace, Sea Shepard, and animal rightists represent the real outrage many feel against excessive economic exploitation of our natural resources.

Poor George Will’s trivialization of the greening of America is just a cover for his fears that the green movement will increasingly become a worldwide social and political counterforce to his right-wing libertines and to the Eastern Bloc and Third World totalitarian regimes, whose despoliation of the environment has been as degrading as their political philosophies have been exploitative of mankind.


To both, the environmental challenge is: Lead, follow, or get out of the way!


President, Environmental Coalition

of Ventura County
