
Abortion Foes Rally in Support of Capital Protest

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Several thousand anti-abortion activists formed a human chain in the form of a giant cross in Van Nuys on Saturday to show their support for a major demonstration that attracted more than 200,000 abortion foes to the nation’s capital.

“We’re meeting here today in conjunction with our brothers and sisters in Washington, D.C.,” said June McMillan Carpenter of the Southern California Right to Life League, an event organizer.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. May 2, 1990 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Wednesday May 2, 1990 Valley Edition Metro Part B Page 4 Column 2 Zones Desk 1 inches; 29 words Type of Material: Correction
Abortion protest--An article and photo caption in The Times’ Sunday edition gave the incorrect name for the spokeswoman for the Southern California Right to Life League. Her name is Susan Carpenter McMillan.

Demonstrators lined the miles-long route along Van Nuys Boulevard and Sherman Way, waving balloons and blue and white signs reading “Abortion Kills Children” in English and Spanish.


“Our message is as simple as the signs we wave,” said Loretta Horn, chairman of the L.A. Life Chain. “That message is that abortion kills children.”

The Los Angeles Police Department estimated that 8,300 people participated in the hourlong demonstration. Officer Craig Ritz said there was minor traffic congestion at some intersections but there were no arrests. “It was peaceful,” he said.

Organizers said that more than 200 Southern California Christian churches from San Diego to Bakersfield, as well as anti-abortion groups, participated in the event.


Demonstrators were stationed along Van Nuys Boulevard between Roscoe and Magnolia boulevards and on Sherman Way between Woodley and Coldwater Canyon avenues, police said.

“We’re out here working for Jesus,” said Carol Ann Haxton of Sylmar, who stood with her husband and three sons on Sherman Way. “That’s how Jesus speaks--through people.”

The largest number of demonstrators was concentrated near the Church on the Way on Sherman Way, where organizers made brief statements to kick off the afternoon’s events.


Carpenter told supporters that the rally’s aim was the same as that of the larger demonstration in Washington, D.C.--to show the public and the politicians that the anti-abortion movement is stronger than ever.

“I hope that President Bush does for the pro-life movement what Lincoln did for the slaves,” Carpenter said.

She said 10 or 12 times more people in the United States oppose abortion than support it, contradicting public opinion polls which show a nearly even split on the issue.

“This is too one-sided,” said Barri Falk, coordinator of the San Fernando Valley Chapter of the National Organization for Women. “These people are trying to convince the government to make us all live by church rules. They’re forcing their religious beliefs on everyone.”

Falk and a small group of other NOW and Planned Parenthood members walked along Sherman Way waving signs supporting abortion rights. Falk’s sign read “Honk for Choice” and several motorists honked their car horns as they passed.

“I wish the media would just ignore them,” said an anti-abortion activist who was standing nearby.


