
Cutting Back on the Use of Water

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The recent announcement that Orange County has a water shortage and that we all must take drastic measures to significantly cut our water usage rings very hollow.

For the past two years, Tom Riley and other supervisors were warned by every environmental and slow-growth organization that the hyper-development that they were approving in South Orange County was without consideration to whether there would be resources to support his massive building of his density homes.

We all were ignored, and every development in South County and in the southeast part of the county was rubber-stamped approved. Riley led the charge.


Now, we are told all must sacrifice to accommodate this and future development by severe water conservation and probably paying a lot more for our water.

If Riley is really serious about the drought, he would offer a law to provide for an immediate building moratorium as they have in Santa Barbara County, until this problem passes.

Until that happens, I suggest we all continue to wash our cars regularly and make sure our lawns are regularly soaked.



Executive Director

Overgrowth California

San Juan Capistrano
