
Plight of Another Airline Employee

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I am writing regarding the article Bettijane Levine wrote on “Weight Concerns at Work” (April 17). I also work for American Airlines, but in reservation sales.

For many years I have wanted to become an airport or city ticket agent, but because of my weight an application for those positions would never be accepted. With all my years of experience doing my job, I feel I am as qualified as anyone to become a ticket agent. However, because I don’t measure up to or down to what their charts say I should be physically, I have been denied this job.

At this point in time I am being put in a real bind. The Los Angeles reservation office is closing and moving to Tucson for economic reasons. I cannot transfer to Tucson, or out of the Los Angeles area because my husband and family are firmly established here. They will not accept a job application from me for the position I would like to have to remain with the company, so I may be forced to take a very small severance when they finally leave.


I will lose all my increased pension and other benefits that I have worked over 21 years to build and maintain.

American Airlines has always been an extremely good company to work for, but recently I feel really betrayed.


Los Angeles
