
High Life A WEEKLY FORUM FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS : People Whom Students Admire Most

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Even though Mother’s Day is Sunday, good ol’ mom isn’t the only one on the minds of teen-agers when they search for heroes and role models.

Hot Topics asks, “What person do you most admire and why?”

“Women everywhere who have kids and either work or volunteer and still maintain an image of being sane--specifically my mother.”

Sunny Winkler, 17, senior, Connelly

“What person do I admire? I think I admire everyone I like--doesn’t everybody? Anyone you can trust, talk to, and who won’t tease you when you’re in need of them.”


Matthew Nguyen, 16, junior, Santiago

“My parents for sacrificing their home to provide me with more freedom in America.”

Charles Lee, 14, freshman, Villa Park

“My mother and my best friend, because they both put up with me and always let me know that they care.”

Loriann Chun, 16, junior, Loara

“Ronald Reagan, because during his presidency he accomplished nothing, yet he was very popular.”

Brittany Cambell, 14, freshman, Santa Margarita

“My dad, because no matter how many hours a week he works, he always finds time to talk and do things with me.”


Jeff Babbitt, 17, junior, Cypress

“(Author) Stephen King because he knows how to trigger people’s darkest fears.”

Debbie Masterson, 18, senior, Santa Ana Valley

“The guy who can get up in the morning knowing that it will never pay off in the end. But he still gets up, and I think that’s heroic.”

Justin Curtis, 17, senior, Los Alamitos

“My friend Troy Holme, because he doesn’t care what people think about him, and I wish I could be more like him.”

Kent Ford, 17, senior, Woodbridge

“My sister, because she’s always been there for me when I needed someone. She just about raised me when she was a child herself.”


Rachel Nowack, 17, senior, Cypress

“Walt Disney, because he had initiative to build his dream for his little girls. He was one of the few people who follow their dreams, (and as a result) millions of people have been enchanted by his creation.”

Ryan Ellis, 16, junior, Bolsa Grande

“When Ryan White (AIDS victim) was alive, he had so much love for life and would never give up. For the things he did during his lifetime, he should never be forgotten.”

Fanny Guerra, 15, freshman, Saddleback

“Sean Connery, because the older he gets, the sexier he becomes.”

Mona Roy, 17, senior, Connelly

“Dan Quayle, because he is not afraid to show his face even after all the stupid, unintelligent statements he’s made.”

Hanh Thi, 18, senior, Santa Ana Valley

“My mom, because she works 12 hours a day and raises a family.”

Jennifer Sullivan, 15, freshman, Santa Margarita

“Sinjin Smith and Randy Stoklos, because they are excellent (beach volleyball) athletes with superior physiques.”

Yuko Yogi, 16, sophomore, Villa Park

“My grandma, because she had to raise six kids on her own, put all of them through college and four through medical school.”

Patty Tsai, 17, senior, Connelly

“(Mikhail) Baryshnikov, because he makes ballet a beautiful art.”

Victor Madrigal, 18, senior, Santa Ana Valley

“President George Bush, because of all the decisions he has to make that concern the United States.”


Laila Wardaki, 16, freshman, Santiago

“My grandparents, because they have taken care of me all my life and gave me all the love a teen-age girl needs.”

Naomi Firrih, 15, freshman, Bolsa Grande

“John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr., because they spoke out during the time of tumult and made the country a better place for us all.”

Stacy D. McClain, 15, freshman, Santa Margarita

“Magic Johnson, because he raises his game a notch when everything is on the line.”

Andy Eiser, 18, senior, Los Alamitos

“I admire my adopted mom the most. She likes everybody and gives all a chance, and she loves me for who I am.”

Wendy Harms, 16, sophomore, Loara

“Leonardo da Vinci, because he did everything.”

Jane Oglesby, 16, junior, Connelly

“Teachers, because they educate the leaders of tomorrow.”

Gina Sorensen, 16, junior, Santiago

“My parents, for all the love and support they have given me.”

Amy Schwenderman, 17, senior, Bolsa Grande

“The queen of England, because she hasn’t let any of her kids get to the throne yet.”

Nicolle Ferrier, 15, freshman, Santa Margarita

“Anyone who has not been corrupted by society or money.”

Robert Kidder, 18, senior, Los Alamitos

“My mom, because she is a loving person; she had it hard when she was young, and turned out wonderful.”

Lynette Ware, 18, senior, Cypress

“Martin Luther King Jr., because he represented freedom for minorities in America.”

Mike Ting, 16, sophomore, Villa Park

Next Week’s Hot Topic:

When was last time you cried and why?

Responses gathered by Brandi Winemiller (Bolsa Grande), Jennifer Chen (Connelly), Blythe Latimer (Cypress), Nicole Williams (Loara), Jennifer Vineyard (Los Alamitos), Nguyen-Hong Hoang (Saddleback), Hang Nguyen (Santa Ana Valley), Suzanne Zamoyski (Santa Margarita), Tam Vuong (Santiago), Heather Lee (Villa Park) and Tomarra Wilds (Woodbridge).
