
Almodovar’s Defense

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Director Pedro Almodovar’s transparent attempts to defend his tawdry “Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!” left me unsure whether to laugh or gag (“Pedro Almodovar: Living Under the ‘X,’ ” by Steve Weinstein, May 6).

Almodovar claims to see hypocrisy and fascism in the refusal of the Motion Picture Assn. of American to deem his movie appropriate for children.

In “Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!,” a man ties a woman to her bed and holds her prisoner; she responds by falling in love with him. The ending emphasizes how sexually fulfilled she is by her captor. Yet Almodovar says this is neither masochistic nor pornography. That is hypocrisy.

Almodovar preaches that the way to satisfy a woman is to completely dominate her, give her no choice. That , ladies and gentlemen, is fascism.


Santa Ana
