
Rev. Schuller Sends to U.S.S.R. TV Prayer for Summit Leaders

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The Rev. Robert H. Schuller, pastor of the Crystal Cathedral, delivered a taped, televised message to the Soviet Union on Sunday, praying for leaders of the upcoming Summit.

The tape, aired during the second half of his nationwide Hour of Power religious broadcast, came on the final weekend before Presidents Bush and Mikhail S. Gorbachev meet in Washington. In it, Schuller said, “We pray that the God of all of us will move into the hearts of those who are in control of the summit.”

Schuller also advised his listeners: “Even if you don’t believe in God, pray anyway; he might be there.”


The 17-minute sermon was delivered at the invitation of the Soviet State Committee for Television and Radio, according to a full-page advertisement paid for the Schuller ministry.

Schuller, who claims to be the only foreigner given permission to preach the Gospel in the Soviet Union, delivered his first sermon last Christmas Day. The event was such a success, he said, that he was given permission to broadcast again.

Also on Sunday, in the first half of the Hour of Power broadcast, which reaches 1.8 million people nationwide, Schuller issued a much-publicized plea for $3.2 million by June 30 to boost his television ministry.


“We’re on the brink of the greatest success in history,” Schuller said, “or we’re on the brink of the greatest disaster.”

Schuller said that rising costs of commercial air time have already forced him to cut some programs. More stations will drop the show if the money is not raised in a month, he said.
