
Independence for Kashmir

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Jansen in his biased article seems to be trying to defend a client without fully grasping the details of the case.

He contends that Kashmiris have a distinct identity, culture and tradition. Well, so do 17 other states of India and many of them have a different language, too. Jansen does not seem to know the history of India. India consists of many different cultures, customs, traditions and languages. India, in fact, possesses cultures and customs more diverse than the whole of Europe combined.

No government no matter how democratic can allow its legitimate state to secede on the basis of these diversities. Throughout history Kashmir has always been a part of India whether Muslim, Hindu or Buddhist.


Jansen claims that the majority population of Kashmir is Muslim. Yes, but so what? India is a secular country and has an excellent record of toleration of all religions.

Jansen then goes on to compare this illegal secessionist movement to the intifada in the Israeli-occupied Gaza Strip and West Bank. Nothing could be further from the truth. While the intifada is a freedom movement by Palestinians in their own land against the occupying forces of Israel, Kashmir terrorists are trying to form an independent state illegally out of an integral part of India. There simply is no comparison.

Finally, Jansen makes an outrageous suggestion. He is asking America and the Soviet Union to intervene! Jansen seems to have forgotten that India is not the Middle East. No country in the world has a right to interfere in what is an internal affair of India. A forceful intervention will be disastrous for any country that attempts it.


A plebiscite as suggested by Jansen is nothing more than wishful thinking. How can there be a plebiscite for an integral part of a sovereign nation?


Rancho Palos Verdes
