
SANTA PAULA : City Unhappy With Proposed Jail Sites

The Santa Paula City Council went on record as opposing the location of a new county jail within greenbelts surrounding the city.

“The jail would be incompatible with surrounding agriculture,” Mayor Kay Wilson said of proposed sites on Todd Lane and Toland Road, which are both in greenbelt areas.

The county is studying five proposed sites to help resolve its inmate-crowding problem. A new jail must be built or alternative facilities found because the county now houses 1,100 inmates in facilities designed to hold 400 prisoners.


The council also asked the city of Fillmore to rescind its recent endorsement of Todd Lane as a jail site.

“Santa Paula is disappointed that Fillmore would take a position without waiting for us on an issue they were not asked to take a position on,” Wilson said. “In the past, we have always worked together on greenbelt issues.”

Ventura County Sheriff’s Cmdr. Richard Bryce has said Todd Lane is the preferred site because of its easy access to California 126. The Board of Supervisors is expected to meet on the issue this month, said Richard Wittenberg, the county chief administrative officer.
